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Today is Sunday, 5 May 2024

Abama Golf is the 1st golf course in the Canary Islands to receive an EMAS certificate.


EMAS is the EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme which allows organizations to improve their environmental performance and achieve recognition for doing so. Abama Golf is the 1st golf course in the Canary Islands to receive an EMAS certificate. EMAS calls for maintenance of an effective environmental management system (EMS) which ensures that an environmental policy is available, that objectives, targets and programmes are set to improve environmental performance.

To achieve EMAS, organizations need to be legally compliant, run an environmental management system and report on their environmental performance through the publication of an independently verified (by a third party) environmental statement.
EMAS participation is available to any organization with environmental impacts, no matter how large or small and regardless of the activity undertaken, and can cover multiple sites within a single EU country.
Apart from the EMAS certificate, Golf Abama was also recognized last year as being compliant for an ISO14001:2015 Certificate.
Certyfikat EMAS dla pola golfowego Abama na Teneryfie.

Brendan Breen
General Manager / Director 

Ctra. General TF 47, Km 9 | 38687 | Tenerife

Tel (34) 922 589 605


