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The Polish Golf Union

The Polish Golf Union

The Polish Golf Union

The Polish Golf Union was founded on 31st July 1993 in Warsaw. Currently, it associates 70 golf clubs, which, in turn, have about 5 100 members, who have a sport license (handicap card). Since 2012, PGU members are also the Golf Instructors Association PGA Poland (www.pgapolska.com) and the Polish Senior Golf Association (www.golfsenior.pl).

As an organization having the status of a Polish sport union, the PGU is the only representative of Polish golf in international structures of sport movement, being a member of the Polish Olympic Committee (PKOl), European Golf Association (EGA) and International Golf Federation (IGF) and an organization affiliated at  The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews (The R&A).

The Union’s statute aims include: organization and running competition in amateur and professional golf; popularization, promotion and development of golf; representing and protection of interests of union members; training activities; supporting and popularizing of physical culture.

The Polish Golf Union is responsible for setting directions of development of this sport in Poland, calibration of golf courses, supervising handicaps of Polish golfers, implementation and supervision over obeying rules of golf issued by the R&A Rules Ltd., as well as organization of championship tournaments and setting rules of running other golf events in Poland, which are organized under auspices of the Union.

The Polish Golf Union is responsible for appointing the national team (in various age categories), selected from players associated in the PGU, as well as selecting Polish team for participation in international events. The PGU also supports activities of the associated clubs.

In 2012, the union obtained the status of a public benefit organization (OPP). The scope of union’s public benefit activity includes popularization and development of golf for children and youth below 18 years old.

Clubs associated in the PGU run golf sport and promotional activities at eigthteen 18-holes courses, nineteen 9-holes courses, nine individual golf academies (from 6 to 9 holes) and over 50 driving ranges.
